Automate to Elevate

Your Business

Unleash Business


Through Workflow


We Can Help You

Discover the Advantages of Workflows

Unleash the immense power of workflows to drive unparalleled efficiency in your business or organization.  Embrace the transformative potential of workflow Innovation and revolutionize the way you operate.

Clearly Defined Objectives

Explicit goals set expectations for employees and customers.

Predictable Outcomes

Standardized workflows eliminate errors and produce consistent results.

Repeatable Processes

Documented processes give employees confidence and clarity when doing their jobs.

Operational Efficiency

Good workflows eliminate waste, save money and increase productivity.

We Can Help You

Elevate Your Workflows With Automation

If you are using checklists to manage your business, that’s a great start.  With FormsTrackr, you can now take a one-dimensional tool and build dynamic workflows that automate processes and elevate your operations in ways you never imagined possible.

Easily Capture Information

Digital forms securely capture data and service requests and eliminate the potential errors of manual transcription.

Track and Manage Key Activities

Stay informed of progress in real time and focus on anything that is outside the expected path to successful completion.

Instantly Deliver Work Assignments

Initiate workflows and inform all relevant parties of their new assignments through instant notifications.

Analyze and Report Results

Build and deliver reports that focus on  management by exception and generate analytical insights for continuous improvement.

If you are new to workflows or unsure where to start …

with the right tools, you can build custom digital workflows quickly and easily.


FormsTrackR Delivers Optimized Workflows

What Is FormsTrackR?

FormsTrackR is software as a service that lets you digitally capture important information and automate the way you track, manage, report and analyze it.  Easily build the tools you are missing with your existing management system.

Why Would I Need It?

Every business and organization is unique.  Off-the-shelf software can’t meet every need.  FormsTrackR will add the functionality you are missing when you build workflows that match your unique way of doing business.

How Does It Work?

With FormsTrackR, you build one or more forms to capture data, which can then be immediately used in tasks and processes that form a workflow.  With the addition of logic, you can automate almost anything to achieve consistent results.

Intelligent Solutions


Infinite Possibilities

Any Kind of Organization

Unlimited Applications

If your software is missing something,

FormsTrackR can help.

Here are some examples.

Property Management Companies
Landscape Maintenance Companies
Facility and Building Security Companies
Computer Management Companies

Inventory Tool

Imagine you are a property manager and you maintain an inventory of repair parts, janitorial supplies, or irrigation components.  How do you manage your inventory of your software doesn’t include an inventory module?  You probably use paper forms and perhaps a spreadsheet.

With Forms TrackR you can use digital forms to quickly count your inventory and then automate your ordering process and reporting system without having to re-enter the data into a spreadsheet.  You just eliminated potential data errors, saved time and can now maintain critical inventory at optimum levels, even adjusting for seasonal variations.

Vehicle Maintenance

Landscape business software may include an equipment maintenance module but it usually lacks a tool to manage vehicle maintenance.  You may not need a full fleet management system, but you still need to keep your vehicles running well every day.

Forms TrackR can take the things you know about your vehicles – make, model, year, service requirements and intervals – and let you build an automated workflow that schedules service proactively.  By recording the ending mileage each day, you can calculate the miles left before the next recommended service, get a report to show which vehicles need service each month, and know if and when a vehicle will be unavailable.  You can also get important notifications from users to alert you to problems that might need attention at the end of the day.

Service Verification

When you service numerous offices and other buidlings on a daily basis, how do you makes sure that every room and door has been checked?  Manual checklists are one option, but they can be unreliable for obvious reasons.

Using Forms Trackr’s unique labels, security personnel only need to scan the label at each checkpoint and the operation is immediatelly recorded.  At the end of rounds, you can automate a comparison of locations checked against a master list and send an exception notice that lists any checkpoints that were missed.  Once they have been checked, the daily report is marked as complete.  Security personnel can also note any unusual conditions that are observed, including unlocked doors and windows, which can then be reported to the tenant.

Asset Tracking

There are many tools available to IT management departments and computer service companies, but often they come at a very high price.  Additionally, they usually include a set of features that are far more extensive than might be needed, thereby providing no return for the money spent each month.  If you need to track IT assets, there is an alternative to consider.

Using the FormsTraclkR system, you can connect all essential information about each computer, router, printer, switch, etc. to a special label.  When the label is scanned by the technician, he can compete a service report form that adds searchable data to the system, making tracking and reporting easy and simple.  The user or customer can scan the same label and instantly report a problem and request service, with the request being automatically assigned to the proper technician if you wish to do so.

Here’s the Fast Track to FormsTrackR

This concise, easy to read book will give you a clear understanding of workflows and how they can change your business.

Learn why workflows are important.

Get a practical explanation of what constitutes a workflow.

See examples of workflows that exist in most businesses.

Identify the core elements of workflows and the value they possess.

Understand the three building blocks used to create workflows.

Analyze a simple workflow.

Compare the two essential types of workflows that are present in every business.

Learn how to locate the highest value workflow opportunities in your company.

Get a free Workflow Planning Worksheet … and much more!

Get started with the free lifetime FormsTrackR plan.

Click the button.  No credit card required.

And when you sign up, we will send this book to you absolutely free!

Articles & Resources

For more information about Workflows and FormsTrackR, click on a category below to browse the articles and resources we have created to help you suceed as you elevate your business or organization with innovative, automated solutions.

Workflow Insights

Building functional workflows is part art and part science.  In both cases, there are many ways to bring them together.  In this section we share information that can help you understand and streamline your efforts to improve your business through workflow automation.

FormsTrackR Applications

FormsTrackR is designed to adapt to the needs of any business or organization and to fill the gaps that exist in existing management software.  Here are some solutions that demonstrate the creative use of this unique workflow automation system.

FormsTrackR Insights

The FormsTrackR team has built an amazing set of tools that empower users to  create highly customized solutions.  Here you will find information that expands on the extensive help system.  You will also find ideas and concepts not covered elsewhere.


Check out our collection of videos on various aspects of FormsTrackR, workflows and business topics that can inspire ideas for improving your operations.

You Can Go From This

To This

With FormsTrackR

We Can Help You Get Started

When you replace your paper forms and checklists and elevate your business through workflow automation, you will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.  We can help with that.  If you have a vexing pain point, have missing or poorly performing management tools, or have an idea that you would like to implement, let us know.

Just scan this QR Code with your smart device or click the button below and experience the FormsTrackR way to get connected with us.

We will give you a free assessment and an honest opinion as to whether FormsTrackr is right for you.  And, if you need assistance, we offer consulting services to help you adopt best practices from day one.