Workflow Insights

Paper Checklist Are Useful But …

Jul 4, 2024

Paper checklists and forms have been around a long time and they definitely serve a purpose.  They are simple yet powerful tools that can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity for a business.  They can list tasks that must be done, the order in which to do them and when they should be done.  They help ensure accuracy.  They can also be used to collect vital information like inventory levels and much more.  But …

For all the benefits that checklists bring to a business or organization, there are some downsides that can impede efficiency and productivity in today’s workplace.  As technology continues to advance, the limitations of paper checklists and forms become increasingly apparent. Here’s a look at some of the problems associated with using paper checklists in business settings.

Lack of Accessibility:  One of the most significant issues with paper checklists and forms is their lack of accessibility. Once information is written down on paper, it can only be accessed by the person who has the physical copy. This creates challenges in collaborative environments where multiple team members need to access to that information.

Risk of Loss or Damage:  Paper checklists and forms are vulnerable to physical damage and loss.  A spilled coffee, a sudden gust of wind, or simply misplacing the document can result in the loss of important information. Unlike digital forms that can be backed up and restored, once a paper form is lost or damaged, the information is often irretrievable.

Limited Space and Scalability:  Paper forms are limited to the physical space available on the page.  Trying to fit everything onto a single piece of paper can result in cramped and illegible notes, making it difficult to follow and track progress.

Inability to Integrate with Other Tools:  Paper forms don’t easily integrate with today’s digital tools.  Scanning can assist with that, but it is cumbersome, labor intensive and often inaccurate.

Lack of Analytics and Reporting:  Paper forms don’t provide any analytical insights or reporting capabilities. Businesses today rely on data to make informed decisions, improve processes, identify bottlenecks and allocate resources, often in real time.

So, what is the answer?  How can businesses and organizations deal with the downsides of paper forms?  Technology has blessed us with access to a variety of opportunities to “go digital”, but like anything else, it must be done for the right reasons and in a way that makes sense for each business individually.

FormsTrackR is purpose built to address all the downsides of paper checklists and forms while offering affordability, an easy path to adoption and tremendous value.  By taking the one-dimensional paper form or checklist and replacing it with digital forms, data that was difficult to access is now immediately available to everyone who needs it.  Workflows can be created, automated, managed, tracked, analyzed and reported for businesses and organizations of all sizes and in almost every field of endeavor.

The big advantage of FormsTrackR besides its versatility and affordability is the opportunity it gives users to create the solutions that they are missing with their current management software.  Users can also improve upon existing software tools that don’t do everything they need or in the way that best suits their business.

If you are being held back by the limitations of paper forms and checklists, we can help with that.  We have successfully replaced paper with digital, but in a way that makes sense to users and that adds incredible value.

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