FormsTrackR Applications

Vehicle Mileage … And a Lot More

Jun 28, 2024

If you supply vehicles to your employees, do you track their mileage?  Maybe you don’t feel the need to record mileage as long as you take care of the vehicle.  The question becomes, how do you know when to service the vehicles?  The odds are that your management software lacks a tool to do that.  Regular maintenance prolongs the useful life of the vehicle but consider this.  Failure to properly maintain a company vehicle could expose you to liability if your employee has an accident that can be traced to improper maintenance, failure to attend to a recall notice, or if you failed to investigate an issue reported by your employee.

What Can You Do?

FormsTrackR can provide several valuable tools just by recording daily vehicle mileage.

  • If you define the preferred service interval, you can record daily mileage, calculate the mileage for the next service automatically, and program a report to give you a reminder that vehicle service will be required within the next x number of miles.
  • With FormsTrackr, you can also make it possible for an employee to report an issue with a vehicle while in use.  It might be a need for immediate roadside assistance, or it might be something that should be checked at the end of the day.  If it will require down time for a repair, you will know about it in time to have a replacement vehicle ready for the next day.

What About Employee-Owned Vehicles?

If you are compensating your employees for the use of their personal vehicles, do you have a way to ensure that they are providing accurate mileage reports?  It’s tempting to pad the mileage with personal use, but FormsTrackR can easily solve that problem.  You simply create a digital form, the employee opens it with a smartphone, and the time and date are automatically entered.  The ending mileage from the previous day is also automatically shown on the form.  At the end of the day, the form is opened again, the ending mileage is entered, and the time and date are recorded automatically.  Once mileage data has been collected, reports can be created that automatically calculates daily mileage for compensation purposes.

Do You Have a Unique Need?

FormsTrackR is so versatile that it can help you build a custom fleet management system that meets your unique requirements.  By collecting mileage data, you can extract information, apply logic, and automate reports that make vehicle management almost effortless.

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